TRIAS mikroelektronik GmbH
Moerser Landstraße 408
47802 Krefeld I Deutschland
+49 (0)2151 95301 0
+49 (0)2151 95301 15
TRIAS mikroelektronik Österreich GmbH
Steingasse 6a
4020 Linz | Österreich
+43 (0)732 21001 7033
TRIAS mikroelektronik Schweiz GmbH
Leutschenbachstrasse 95
8050 Zürich | Schweiz
+41 (0)44 3083 566
Technical Support Service
The technical support team offers fast and competent support via e-mail, telephone and internet. We can support you with technical questions about our products, provide training and software installations as well as consultation services.
+49 (0)2151 9530144