FPGA Vendor independent FPGA Synthesis

Precision® Synthesis offers high quality of results, industry-unique features, and integration across Siemens EDA-A Siemens Business` FPGA Flow– the industry’s most comprehensive FPGA vendor independent solution.

Software Product Solutions

Precision® RTL

Precision® RTL is Siemens EDA, formerly Mentor Graphics,  entry-level FPGA synthesis solution offering excellent quality of results and part of Siemens EDA´´s comprehensive FPGA vendor independent solution. With a rich feature set that includes advanced optimizations, award-winning analysis, and industry-leading language support, Precision® RTL enables vendor-independent design, accelerates time to market, eliminates design defects, and delivers superior quality of results.

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      How is the MAC address generated?

      Start a command shell by typing: cmd in the Windows menu search box and then Enter. A command line window opens. Enter: ipconfig /all. All your system network adapters will be listed. Find an adapter with a network connection and copy the physical address. This consists of 6 x 2-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by hyphens.

      Open a terminal and enter the following command: ifconfig. Confirm with Enter.
      Look for the network eth0, depending on distribution it can also have a different name. The line with ether specifies the MAC ID: Here are 6 x 2-digit hex numbers separated by a colon.

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      I have read the TRIAS mikroelektronik GmbH privacy policy and I agree that my details and data are collected and stored electronically in order to answer my request.


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      Precision® RTL Plus

      Precision® RTL Plus is Siemens EDA- a Siemens Business` flagship FPGA synthesis solution offering breakthrough advantages for commercial applications and for mil-aero and safety-critical systems.

      Precision® RTL Plus offers an improved way of designing FPGAs and increasing designer productivity. Through its advanced synthesis technologies and integration within Siemens EDA’s FPGA flow, it provides several unique features that enable every designer to reach timing closure faster, to minimize the impact of design changes, and to address application-specific requirements.

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          How is the MAC address generated?

          Start a command shell by typing: cmd in the Windows menu search box and then Enter. A command line window opens. Enter: ipconfig /all. All your system network adapters will be listed. Find an adapter with a network connection and copy the physical address. This consists of 6 x 2-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by hyphens.

          Open a terminal and enter the following command: ifconfig. Confirm with Enter.
          Look for the network eth0, depending on distribution it can also have a different name. The line with ether specifies the MAC ID: Here are 6 x 2-digit hex numbers separated by a colon.

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          I have read the TRIAS mikroelektronik GmbH privacy policy and I agree that my details and data are collected and stored electronically in order to answer my request.


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          Precision® Hi-Rel

          Precision® Hi-Rel, provides synthesis-based radiation effects mitigation for safety-critical and high reliability applications.

          Alternative methods to mitigate radiation effects, such as manually coding safeguards into the design, can be either too difficult, time consuming, or error-prone. With Precision Hi-Rel, designers can protect against single-event effects (SEEs) and benefit from automation, extensive user-control, and multi-vendor support.

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            I have read the TRIAS mikroelektronik GmbH privacy policy and I agree that my details and data are collected and stored electronically in order to answer my request.


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              How is the MAC address generated?

              Start a command shell by typing: cmd in the Windows menu search box and then Enter. A command line window opens. Enter: ipconfig /all. All your system network adapters will be listed. Find an adapter with a network connection and copy the physical address. This consists of 6 x 2-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by hyphens.

              Open a terminal and enter the following command: ifconfig. Confirm with Enter.
              Look for the network eth0, depending on distribution it can also have a different name. The line with ether specifies the MAC ID: Here are 6 x 2-digit hex numbers separated by a colon.

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              I have read the TRIAS mikroelektronik GmbH privacy policy and I agree that my details and data are collected and stored electronically in order to answer my request.


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              Complete FPGA Design Flow

              Precision® FPGA Synthese can be ideally combined with the following product solutions: